Wednesday, February 17, 2010

This past weekend was the Korean New Year. That was both good and bad for us. Good because we recieved an extra day off for the weekend. However, it meant that everything in Korea was closed for Kyle's birthday and Valentine's Day. We found two places that that sayed open... of course McDonold's and the movie theater. So, for Valentines Day we had our first movie experience. Of course we had to see Valentine's day because t swift was in it. amazing. Turns our 3D is big here. Some of the previews before the movie are in 3D so you are given 3D glasses for the previews. After green tea popcorn we decided one movie was not enough. We went back the next day for Kyle's birthday and saw Wolfman. Here are a few pictures of Kyle's bithday extravaganzas. Also, beer is served at the movie theaters which was a nice birthday treat.
Also, here are some pictures of the inside of our school. It is on the fifth floor of the building.


  1. HAPPY BIRTHDAY KYLE. Here's to many more. Hope you had a fun celebration. We were and are thinking about you. Glad you two are doing so great. It is fun to see the pictures of your adventure, and read your blog. We love you both, Holly and Tom

  2. Green Tea popcorn? Glad you at least got out to the movies.
    Are you getting emails now?
