Monday, March 22, 2010

We miss America

We are starting to get a little home sick. We don't really miss things because Korea has everything that America has, it is the people we miss. We miss being able to communicate with people without effort. We miss our friends and family. We miss the familiar. However, we know that this is all part of moving across the world. We are still very happy to be here and are enjoying all the little things Korea offers. One thing that we don't miss from the US is the food. The food here is amazing. We have decided that the biggest difference is that everything is freshly made. There are tons of restaurants and most are not chains which means that people are actually buying the ingredients fresh and making the food from scratch. One of the other teachers has a brother who owns a restaurant and he wakes up every morning and goes to the market and buys the food for the day. Nothing pre-processed or pre-prepared. We are seriously going to miss the food when we get back.
Bellow is a picture of one of our favorite dishes "Bi Bim Bab"

We had a cooking party with some of our younger students and took some pictures which are bellow.

We also added a picture of our school front desk. (bellow)


  1. I miss you guys, too!! How great that the food is so fresh. It looks like your cooking party was a lot of fun!!! Thank you for the update and the pictures. I love hearing how you are doing and about your adventures in Korea! I hope you are both having a great week! I just got back from California with my parents. We had a blast, but the week flew by! It is hard to get back into school after having a week off :) Anyways, I am thinking of you. Love and miss you both!

  2. Looks like you both are having the adventure of a lifetime. I wish David had used his money to go back to Korea. Do you guys have a skype account. I've heard that's a great way to keep in contact. We are set up, with no one to call. Drop me a line via facebook if you'd like to give it a try. Keep busy and try not to let the homesickness get the best of you!

    Hugs and kisses,

    Rod, Marie, Bekah and Daniel

  3. Dear Michelle and Kyle, I just got caught up on your blogs as Tom, Melissa, and I were in CA and then Tom and I were in Orlando. It was so nice getting away for a while. We are now settled back into a routine at home:) Our vacations were great:) Everyone is good here and keeping very busy...Spring is here and the weather is getting beautiful. I enjoy hearing about your time in Korea. It sounds as though all is going well and is very interesting. Glad you love the food. We will have to learn how to make those delicious dishes:) You take care and know that we love you. We are thinking of you with lots of love and sending lots of hugs your way. We will keep reading about your adventure. It is so much fun to stay updated with you. Love and hugs, Holly, Tom, and the kids:)
